Contributing Guide

Thank you for choosing element-pro-components, If you are willing to contribute code or suggest an idea, please make sure to take a moment and read through the following guidelines.

Issue Reporting Guidelines

  • Before submitting an issue, please check if similar problems have already been issued.
  • Before submitting an issue, please describe the problem in short words, and add the environment and recurrence steps when the issue occurs.

Pull Request Guidelines

  • Before working on a large change, it is best to open an issue first to discuss it with the maintainers.
  • When in doubt, keep your pull requests small. To give a PR the best chance of getting accepted, don’t bundle more than one feature or bug fix per pull request. It’s always best to create two smaller PRs than one big one.
  • When adding new features or modifying existing, please attempt to include tests to confirm the new behavior.
  • Make sure you pass the code formatting and test (pnpm check && pnpm test).
  • Rebase before creating a PR to keep commit history clear.
  • Add some descriptions and refer relative issues for you PR.

Git commit message Guidelines

Messages must be matched by the following regex:

/^(revert: )?(feat|fix|docs|dx|style|refactor|perf|test|workflow|build|ci|chore|types|wip)(\(.+\))?: .{1,50}/


docs: update
fix(Form): the style link error

Pull Request Process

  • Fork this project. If it has been forked, please synchronize the latest code of upstream.
  • Create a new branch based on the main branch of upstream, example fix/form-button。
  • After the development, submit the Pull Request to the main branch of upstream.
  • The Pull Request will be merged into the main branch after the review is passed.

Getting started

Before development, you need to install Node.js 16+, and we recommend you to use PNPM.

# install dependencies
pnpm i

# start development
pnpm dev

then, preview on localhost:5173.

Sync Latest Code

# add upstream
git remote add upstream

# pull the latest code of upstream
git fetch upstream

# checkout main branch
git checkout main

# merge code from upstream
git merge upstream/main


Thank you to all the people who have already contributed to element-pro-components!